Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Training Time..

So the first Training Session was in October. I arrived bright-eyed and bushy-tailed (Starbucks White Mocha in one hand, hopes and anticipation in the other) allowing plenty of time for sign in, as the email had stated to.

Today was the day that I finally discover what exactly my job would be.

I took a seat, listening to the 'inspirational' music being played in the room, and waited. Then the fear set in..... the Trainers took to the stage, head-set microphones and scarily happy attitude ahoy! I thought I'd landed in Disneyland for Security Staff!

One thing I will say for them -they sure laid on a great feed for us.... Anyone who knows me, knows how much I love my food :D

But I did come away from the session a lot wiser on what being a Screener entails. You know when you go through Airport Security? That's what I'll be doing!

So it begins....

I can honestly say, that on that sunny day in August, when Laurinda and I headed to the GSS offices on Terminal Avenue, I never in a million years would have believed what an adventure I was letting myself in for!

It was a SWAP/GSS Recruitment afternoon so Laurinda was there as the official liaison for any SWAPpers that needed a helpful kick towards the computers where we filled in our details and clicked the box that said 'Screener'. Not exactly knowing what that job entailed, but knowing that given the vagueness of the positions, I didn't quite fancy being a Supervisor :)

Application filled, I was asked to sit in the interview area and wait. Called for interview with two others, it was a pretty entertaining 10 minutes. After which we were all offered positions and sent to another area to fill in some forms and have our photos taken.

When all was in order, Laur and I headed off, while I thought to myself 'Well that's me here (staying in Vancouver) til March!'